Things You Should Look for When Selecting a Property Inspection Software Developer

shutterstock_142936138The property inspection software developer that you select pretty much determines the value that you derive from the software. This goes for property inspection apps too. The only difference there is is that app developers are likely to be more flexible with their terms since there are many of those to choose from. In contrast, software developers are harder to come by. There are things that an inspector should consider when choosing a developer as we see below.

Technical support

The property inspection software developer should not only provide you with the specific software but also offer support services like installation and updating. This is especially the case if the software is being installed on many computers. Installation by a person from the developer also ensures that the whole process is done quickly. It also saves time since you will not have to take your time to go through installations.

A good software provider should also offer support services should at no extra cost. However, this is not a rule that is cast in stone; sometimes-take an example where the developer is from abroad-it is simply not possible to have a technician come over and run installations. In that case, the developer can access your desktop through remote access applications like TeamView and run installations, updates, and repairs.

Customer support

You can reach customer care today through several ways. These include email, tickets, and phone calls. The best method is cat since it allows for real time response. If you cannot reach your developer by chat, then it is likely that you will have problems having your issues addressed. If you, for example, have to reach your developers by phone, then that means that you are limited by time zones. Phone calls are also quite expensive. A proper developer will have chat lines open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. That ensures that all clients have proper access to technical support via chat.

Fair pricing

A good developer should not charge exaggerated prices; everything should be reasonably priced. The easiest way to determine whether you are being charged exorbitant prices is to get quotes from several developers. In the event that there are no developers offering similar products to compare with, ask the developer to kindly explain how they arrived at the price. That should give you a fairly easy way to determine the fairness of the price.

The other important factor as far as price is concerned is the financial impact that the software has on the property inspector’s work. If the inspector cannot derive a financial saving from the use of inspection software, then it is best that he or she considers a simpler solution-or one that is more affordable-like a simple property inspection app.

The choice of developer depends of other factors that are specific to the inspector too. Whatever the choice, the goal is to always derive a time and financial saving, while improving conductivity and efficiency.