4 Reasons Why Your Property Inspection Software Isn’t Working Out

Data Storage Concept IllustrationDelivering manual property inspections are quickly becoming a thing of the past as digital property inspections become the ideal replacement. Professionals in the field are finding it easier to punch a few buttons into their phone or tablet during evaluations instead of typing data into their system later or worse, waiting to get back to the office to write everything down. Still, property inspection software won’t get you very far if you can’t operate it properly. You’re basically just stuck with technology that you can’t use and risk of losing valuable customers or running away new prospects. Check out four factors to consider if you’re having trouble with your application.

The Setup Process Hasn’t Been Completed

One of the reasons why some property inspectors have issues transitioning into the digital property inspection procedure is because they haven’t finished setting up their new software. There’s specific steps that you have to follow in order to make sure everything’s properly synced. If you’re having issues, it’s best to adhere to the instructions in the manual provided or contact a team member or technician that works for the software company so they can jumpstart the process for you. Once this issue is resolved, you should be able to get the most out of your application.

You Need a Maintenance Checkup

Maintaining your property inspection software is just like getting periodic checkups on your vehicle, home, or office equipment. It’s not a luxury; it’s a must-have. After all, your success in the industry depends on how well you maintain the tools that keep your performance up to par. Be sure to have a seasoned expert take a look at your application so they can detect the problem and in the future, don’t wait until there’s malfunction before you get your equipment checked.

Faulty Customer Service

Another issue is that you could be the victim of a misdiagnosis. Nothing’s worse than taking time out of our busy day to speak with a customer service agent only to be given the wrong information. You may have experienced some miscommunication from a customer service agent that you’ve consulted with in the past, but stay positive and have high hopes in finding the right conclusion. Everyone makes mistakes, so it’s a good idea to discuss the issue you’re having with another representative, or possibly a person in a supervisory role, to get clarification on how to accurately troubleshoot your gadget.

An Upgrade is Calling Your Name 

Some issues with your software just can’t be fixed. Know why? It might be time to call it quits with your previous app and invest in a newer version. Older devices often take longer to operate or don’t provide effective results. This inevitably slows down your business processes and has the potential to misconstrue clients’ reports which can be very damaging to your professional reputation as a leading source in the industry. Be sure to stay current on any updates about fresher models that could benefit you in the long run.