7 Types of Specializations for Property Inspectors

property inspectorThe property inspection industry offers its professionals a versatile lifestyle, lucrative income, and the benefit of being around people from all walks of life. This field is definitely not your average 9-to-5 desk job, which is why many individuals enjoy it. If you’re looking to dig your heels into one of the most alluring trades, it’s best that you first understand the various areas of expertise that you can attain. Most citizens, particularly those who are part of larger jurisdictions, seek out inspectors who have extensive training in a specific area, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Check out 7 particular fields of knowledge that might be of interest to you as you begin your journey.

New Home Construction

Contrary to popular belief, newly built residences should be thoroughly inspected by a professional. Every professional in any industry makes mistakes, so it’s likely that even the most competent construction workers could’ve made an error. These issues could take years to surface if not detected. Those qualified to examine new homes ensure that property meets the state code, as well as make certain that it’s compliant with specific construction guidelines for that area.

Historic Sites

Considerably older homes definitely need skillful surveying. These properties usually require large-scale renovation before another owner can move in. Individuals with a strong background in history and a passion for archaic treasures tend to thrive in this specialty. This is because antique houses need someone who understands and can articulate their rare architectural characteristics without dismissing faulty components that could wreak havoc later on.

Septic Systems

Many people don’t know this, but septic tanks require their own inspection. These systems are typically situated in the basement of a house and are responsible for filtering out solids from wastewater. Over a period of time, septic tanks can acquire dirt buildup and become backed up. Certified inspectors are trained to determine if solids have accumulated in these machines and if they’re overdue for pumping by using special devices to perform this task. If the system proves to be in need of repair, professionals will include the issue in their property inspection report.

Swimming Pool & Spa

Those with expertise in pool and spa systems often check for leaks and the functionality of electrical components. Additionally, they examine the primary circulation system to ensure the water flow is up to par, and they look at the pool’s interior surface to detect any cracks. The condition of the surrounding deck is also surveyed.


A home with erroneous electrical components is one of the most dangerous locations for residents, as well as their neighbors. It’s necessary for inspectors to explore the installation of these current systems to make sure everything adheres to electrical codes and standards. They check wiring, lighting, sound and security systems, and generating equipment as well.

Heating & Cooling

It takes a person who’s mastered the fundamentals of heating and cool components to have the ability to uncover malfunctions or cracks in a furnace. Similarly, an HVAC specialist can determine if there’s anything wrong with central cooling systems. Providing accurate analyses on these types of equipment can help clients figure out their next steps in their plan to buy or sell their property.

Pest Inspection

Lastly, checking for wood-eating insects, like termites or powder post beetles, is a big deal in the inspection business. These services are especially vital in locations with warmer temperatures since these kinds of pests thrive in hot climates. Inspectors in this capacity can also survey the premises for dry rot.