Are you ready for property inspection software?

As a property manager, time management is no stranger to you, managing a property is an endless balancing act. Property management is notorious for being a fast-paced career, with countless tasks to complete from sun up to well past sundown. Given the nature of the role, even the most efficient and successful property managers can find themselves feeling out of sync from time to time if they do not stay on top of their processes. If you are managing property regardless of how many are in your portfolio, it’s highly likely at some point this balancing act has gotten the better of you. Using inspection software to consolidate the process is a worthwhile investment for all property inspectors. Technology has finally caught up and can relieve us of many dreaded property inspection tasks if we allow it to. Property inspection software can save you and your company thousands of dollars and here’s how.

 Prevent Minor Problems from Becoming BIG Expenses

With property inspection software, you can organize and track regular inspections and maintenance work that will take place on the property. This means that you have the power to become proactive to your problems rather than being reactive and leaving your tenant unsatisfied and frustrated. Essentially this means you’re putting in the work and effort now to save time and money down the track by preparing for the unexpected problems instead of trying to fix them last minute.  Repairing a small leak on a pipe now could prevent you from massive maintenance bills in the future!

Save Time while you Increase Accuracy

As indicated by, using pen and paper to carry out your property inspections is time-consuming, labour intensive and quite frankly grossly outdated. Especially given the rapid rate at which technology is advancing. Property inspection software aims to take all the paperwork off your desk and replace it with one easy to use system. You can capture photos and record videos straight from the app and store this information online for each property you have, allowing you to effortlessly keep track of improvements or problems that may occur with your properties. Once you leave, there is no more work required. Everything is done through the app and stored that way.

Faster communication of information

Forget about staying at the office and working late just to get those reports out, forget about difficult phone conversations with tenants trying to understand the situation without full information. With property inspection software everything can be communicated through the app with photo and video evidence to back up points. This means you can say goodbye to pointless phone calls, hours spent chained to your desk and overall you will be operating more efficiently with a level of calmness that reassures your tenants.

Are you ready for Snap Inspect?

Like mentioned in previous blog posts, change is good, but it’s also inevitable and becoming seemingly impossible to avoid. Change is what keeps your business at the forefront of your industry and drives revenue while others that are less susceptible to change are getting left behind. Does it make sense to transfer your entire office over to a new system and process? The short answer- Yes! Property managers all over the world are making the conscious decision to do away with traditional pen and paper methods, and are implementing a software system such as SnapInspect. Start cutting costs, saving time and money today! Request a free demo here.

According to Bigger Pockets,

“ensuring that “move-in” and “move-out” inspections are performed at the beginning and end of a rental relationship can mean the difference between you as the landlord retaining all or a portion of the security deposit to compensate you for damages or losing it.”