Best Inspection Practices for Property Managers

property inspectorWe’ve talked a lot about the responsibilities of property managers, and some of the ways in which property managers can and should optimize their practice. As we’ve seen, this is particularly important when it comes to inspections, since inspections are so integral to the whole business of property management.

In today’s article, we’ll look at some of the ways in which you can get the most out of your time when it comes to inspections. Being efficient and productive is vital in property management, which is why it is so important to adopt the very best inspection practices that are available.

Best Practice No. 1: Get More Done in Less Time

Getting more done in less time sounds nice, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to get more done in less time? The trick, of course, is figuring out how to do it.

Here, one good tip you might try is thinking about your processes. When you do an inspection, do you have a routine order in which to do the inspection? If not, consider it: you might find it is helpful to establish a preset pattern for conducting all inspections.

Of course, going over your notes and staying organized are another way of getting more done in less time. The more well-organized you are, the more you will be able to make of the time that you spend out in the field doing inspections.

It’s also important to use the best tools when you do an inspection. For example, digital property management can help you to get the most out of the time you spend doing inspections. You can import all of your properties with ease, and then manage them from the app. Use next inspection alerts to remind yourself of anything you want to follow up on next time.

Best Practice No. 2: Be Prompt

Being prompt is the logical extension of getting more done in less time. The more efficient and productive you are in the field, the faster you’ll be able to resolve problems and help the people who are counting on you.

Say you have some tenants with a washing machine that has broken. The best practice of being prompt dictates that you make that your top priority: after all, it is vital to their comfort and well-being. Pretend it was your own personal washing machine, if that helps.

Organizing your schedule is an important part of this too. A digital property management app can help you organize your schedule, allowing you to be more prompt in resolving problems.

Best Practice No. 3: Get Rid of Unnecessary Tasks

Getting rid of unnecessary tasks means examining everything that you do and figuring out exactly what needs to go. Do you have any habits or processes that simply waste time? Is there anything you do out of force of habit that is simply not efficient and practical? If so, it’s time to think about the best way to turn those habits and processes into more optimal ones.

An excellent example of a series of unnecessary tasks is the hours that property managers spend typing up reports, formatting them, adding images and the company logo, and then sending them off to clients.

A good digital property management app can do that work for you: all you have to do is fill out the checklists, take any photos or video you want to add, and then send it off to the client. The app will auto-format it for you, and it will look great. By using digital property management, you may be able to save up to 75% of the time you are used to spending on conventional property management.