New Year’s Resolutions for Property Manager’s in 2019

property inspection software

Wondering where 2018 went? Same. Unsure what to make your new years resolution? Fear not, SnapInspect has you covered.

From planning and organization to social media marketing, we have rounded up our top 15 new years resolutions for property managers.

1. Create videos!

Set yourself apart from the competition and create video content. Videos are six times more likely to capture your audience’s attention.

2. Embrace Local Businesses

Forming relationships with local businesses is a sure way to improve your company. Get creative with how you will engage with local businesses.

Set-up networking events at local eateries, offer discounts to local customers in exchange for good or services and reach out on social media. Find a strategy that works for both you and the business in question that mutually benefits you both.

3. Post Regularly On Social Media

If you’re not already, it’s time to take a serious look at your social media posting. Do you have a schedule? Have you outsourced a company to post on your behalf and run your social media efforts? Find a strategy that works for your business and implement it accordingly.

4. Use New Technology

Make use of new technology to tidy up your inspection process. Initially, It’s hard to decide which software provider you want to use.

Read our article “How to choose the best property inspection software in 2018” to help better understand what you are looking for, and what solution is best for you.

5. Smile… Cheese!

Update your online profile photos. Take a recent, up to date headshot for your social media accounts, website and LinkedIn profile. Say no to headshots from last decade!

6. Relax

Dedicate a few moments per day every day to unwinding. Whether it’s through meditation, reading, exercise or hanging out with your family, having a dedicated time slot in your day for relaxing can do wonders for your mental health.

7. Protect yourself

Improve your office security by making use of two-factor password authentication, robust passwords and relevant, up to date software. It’s crazy to think businessmen and women in 2018 don’t have two-factor passwords set up!

8. Listen to Podcasts

Make use of podcasts during your drive to work, bus commute home or any other time you have a few spare minutes. Become aware of recent industry trends, news, and events. The more information you are aware of as a property manager, the better.

9. Create a “Homely Atmosphere” at your properties

Allow your tenants to feel at home by ensuring all your properties carry a homely vibe. The more they enjoy living in your space, the longer they will stay. Build your tenant-property manager relationship by adding things to your property like artwork, books, and alternative furniture.

10. Build a reputation for being transparent

Being 100% honest and open with your business is the best way to carry yourself as a property manager. It also means that you will be trusted a lot easier. The most honest, brutally honest companies become the most used and respected because customers are sure of what they are getting upon sign up.

GlobalScan reported that 79% of experts surveyed in July 2014 believe corporate transparency is essential for a company’s sustainability performance.

11. Write down your goals

Before the new year, write a list of everything you want to achieve in 2019. Once you have identified what you want to achieve, elaborate on each goal with what it will take for you to reach it. Whether you want to be fitter, succeed at work or build a better work-life balance, writing your goals down is the best way to bring them to life.

12. Put a significant emphasis on customer service

Customer service is the backbone to any business. It not only helps by generating revenue for the organization but also allows you to identify areas in which you need to improve on operations and product wise.

13. Stay Relevant

As a property manager, it’s crucial that you are continually learning and furthering your knowledge. You need to regularly be checking for new legislation, trends, regulations, and laws. Subscribe to property management blogs, attend community events and check the news section of your local paper. Cover all areas so that you are best equipped to handle business.

14. Change to cloud-based software

Unfortunately, in 2019 there are still hundreds of thousands of property managers battling through mountains of paperwork, losing information and hindering their operations. If you are not already, you need to be using software that has the cloud-based technology. If you are not too sure what cloud-based technology is you can brush up your knowledge with our article; Property inspection software anywhere, thanks to the cloud.

15. Smile!

Working within the property industry means your no stranger to headaches. It’s a smart idea to take time off purely for yourself. Do the things that you enjoy outside of work, from fishing to meditation or hanging out with your family, if it takes your mind off work and makes you smile do it!

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