Taking Property Inspection Mobile: 3 Tips

Camera Technology to Assist Your Property Inspection AppConducting your property management inspections from a mobile device is an opportunity to save time and hassle. A great app should make your job easier and produce results that clients will love. Follow these 3 tips to learn how to get the most out of mobile property inspection.

Choose a User-Friendly Property Inspection App

Learning how to use new technology should be rewarding, not frustrating. Since saving time and hassle is arguably the single best reason for going digital, make sure you choose a property inspection app that is user-friendly.

Your software should be easy for you to learn how to use, and it should enable you to complete tasks more productively in less time. Checklists are case in point. A good checklist is every property manager’s best friend, so make sure your mobile property inspection software supports a checklist function that is flexible and intuitive.

Of course, you may well have a checklist template of your own that is already working smoothly for you. In that case, make sure that the app you choose can support that checklist without any problems.

Scheduling is another function that it is very important for a property inspection app to get right. The program should be capable of organizing your schedule for you. Again, as a property manager you know how valuable your time is, and how vital it is that your schedule be organized correctly and efficiently. An app that can’t essentially do this for you is probably not worthy of your consideration.

Eliminate the Office: Do Everything on Your Device

Remember this important rule about mobile property management: eliminate the office. When you are selecting a property management app, make sure that it can handle absolutely all of the things that you would ordinarily have to do at the office.

Take a moment to think about your life as aproperty manager in the pre-mobile era, the time of the office. If you’re like most property managers who haven’t gone mobile, your “field kit” probably consists of a printed-out checklist on a clipboard, a pen, and a digital camera.

You drive out to the actual property, go through your checklists, take some photos, and then drive back to your office. Once you’re at the office, you have to fire up Word, type up the report, put in your photos, and then send it off to the client.

Here’s the thing: a good property management app can help you save all of that time spent typing up reports. Instead of having to drive back to the office to type up and format your reports, you can simply fill out the checklists, take the photos, and send your report with a personalized email—all from your mobile device.

Think of everything you could accomplish if you didn’t have to spend all that time typing up reports. That is the magic of eliminating the office.

Client Satisfaction on the Go: Using Mobile Management to Leverage Your Brand

Of course, in addition to being user-friendly and efficient, a property inspection app needs to produce results that will impress your clients as well. The software you choose needs to be able to create reports that genuinely look good and will help you to leverage your brand accordingly.

As with checklists, take the time to make sure that you choose property management software that has options where report templates are concerned. You should be able to choose between industry-proven templates and your own custom template. Ideally, your app should come with in-house design support, so that you can create anything you like.

Another thing to consider is special features. Have you ever wanted to include video in your reports? Think of what you could accomplish in terms of increased client satisfaction with a capability like that.

Overall, the best property inspection software will save you time and help you look better than ever in the eyes of your clients.