Where to Look When Using a Property Inspection App

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Property InspectionProperty inspectors that use a good property inspection app should be critical in examining the different areas of the house. Homeowners may have a limited amount of knowledge on how to maintain their property and may not know where to focus their attention. Some parts of the house are also tricky to access and, in effect, are often leftunchecked.Here are some common places of a home that are often subjected to oversight and that have to be inspected by experts from time to time.

The basement

A basement may remain untouched for weeks on end. That is the reason why property inspectors should have a keen eye in observing problems in this often-isolated area. The examination of this part of the house may be started by noting for moisture problems. In fact, you can use your nose to detect any damp or musty odor in the basement that would signal the occurrence of water leaks, molds, or rotten wooding. The plumbing systems in the basement have to be checked for leaks and all crawl spaces are scanned for cracks and moisture as well.

The attic

The attic is another vulnerable area that may provide warning signs for any water problems inside the house. Water leakage due to damaged ceiling and walls is common due to the attic’s high position. Checking for any damp and musty odors couldbe helpful. The insulation of the attic should also remain intact and sufficient for the cold months. Otherwise, the professional inspector may note this in his property inspection app in order to advise the property owner of a viable solution.

The exterior

When there are marked damages found on the exterior, that would mean that the house may have aged or that it is relatively unmaintained. It is therefore helpful to examine the many aspects of the exterior such as the roof, gutters, downspouts, and walls. The water drainage system from the roof should direct any precipitation away from the house in order for its foundation to remain strong. Driveways and walkways may also be checked for cracks, unlevelled flooring, and whatnot. Lastly, the porch has to be examined for any signs of decay or termite infestation.

The fireplace and chimney

Since this area is often overlooked by the inhabitants of a house, it is necessary to include this in an in-depth property inspection. The mortar has to be checked and must not show marks of cracking or crumbling. The chimney must not also have any evidence of smoke staining the exterior.

The ceilings, walls, and floors

Lastly, it is very important to observe for any signs of water damage on the ceilings, walls, and floors. The drywall has to remain intact and must not pull away from the interior wall framing. Cracks in these areas may indicate structural damage to the house itself and must be treated as hazards. In a related manner, sloping of the floor may also mean that the house’s foundation has been compromised.

Whether you’re a property manager or owner, those are the areas that need special attentionand treatment. It is interesting to note that most problems inspector encounter are related to water leakage.