4 Important Property Inspection Tools

sketching of building construction on whiteOwning a property management office entails the acquisition of property inspection tools. These tools add valueto the inspection report and make the overall inspection process more efficient. The InterNACHI Standards of Practice only recommends two pieces of equipment for inspectors, which are the flashlight and electrical tester. However, these tools may limit the scope of inspection since they cannot be used to examine aspects like gas leaks, humidity levels, and insulation defects. It is therefore imperative that you invest on multiple inspection paraphernalia for your staffers.

Here are four important tools that are recommended by inspection experts:

Property inspection app

The inception of property inspection software has revolutionized the property inspection process. What used to take up hours of an inspector’s time, with regard to the traditional clipboard-and-camera method, can now be done in as fast as 90 minutes through the utilization of property inspection apps. Since these solutions can be installed in mobile devices, they are easy to access and can include several added features, such as internet connectivity and phone camera integration.

Safety Glasses

Many managers using property inspection tools would fail to reinforce the idea of using safety glasses during inspections. Not using protective equipment for the eyes is a risky practice that must be avoided as much as possible. Safety glasses can protect an inspector’s eyes from debris and protruding materials found in crawlspaces or attics. Furthermore, electrical panels may give off dangerous sparks once they are short-circuited during an electrical test. By ensuring that the eyes are covered in doing any of these procedures, vision impairment can be prevented.


Although it would be unlikely to use respirators in relatively new properties, the said piece of equipment is strictly necessary when you have to deal with dilapidated homes. There may be various respiratory health hazards that can be accidentally inhaled by your personnel as they inspect isolated areas of a home. The basement in particular may become the home of harmful microscopic organisms that may pose a health threat once inhaled. Carcinogens can also be filtered out with the use of an effective respirator. Asbestos, as an example, has been found out to lead to nodular lung cancer and other respiratory problems.

Moisture meters

There are two types of moisture meters: search and measure. The search moisture meter allows you to find elevated moisture levels behind surfaces such as tile and vinyl. This feature is essential to detect plumbing leaks hidden beneath shower and bathroom floors. On the other hand, the measure moisture meter actually quantifies the amount of moisture when you place its two pins on amaterial. Although the search and measure meters are sold separately, there are some brands that combine both types. Moisture meters are considered as essentials since most properties are plagued by water and moisture problems.

Those are some of the most important property inspection tools that you can purchase for your property management office. You can consult agencies that specialize in inspection training to obtain a full list of equipment.