3 Relationships a Property Inspector Should Develop and Maintain

bigstock-Inspector-with-a-house-made-of-28806449We have all probably heard the experts say that a huge part of professional success comes from the kind of relationships we establish and maintain. Well, it turns out that professional property inspectors need to actively develop some relationships and do all they can to maintain them if they are stand out from the multitude of property inspectors. Some people may feel bad about having to actively seek out the friendship of another for the purpose of professional success but if you are going to have friends, you might as choose those that are useful in your career. Here are some of the relationships that a property inspector who is determined to create success should develop and maintain.

The Real Estate People

People in real estate need property inspectors; they need inspectors when buying, selling and renting out property. They are in dire need of an inspector whom they can call upon in short notice to go check out a property and write a report for their clients. A property inspector will find that real estate professional like brokers and developers hang out in certain establishments. The best place to make an introduction and sow seeds for a friendship is the offline social space. Following a big broker on Twitter is not enough; you should find a way to meet him or her in person socially.

If you cannot engineer a social meeting, try and attend as many open houses as you can. These events are packed with real estate brokers. When the open house is done and people are having small talk, walk over to the brokers that interest you and introduce yourself. The next step is to ask for their card. Asking for their card first before offering yours makes them feel important, and that is an ingenious way to start a relationship.

The Insurance Salesmen

Insurance sales men probably knock on more front doors than any other professional people. Their livelihoods are literally earned on the road. Being on first name basis with an insurance person will bring you more business than you probably have right now because there is always a need to inspect a property before a policy is signed. The best thing about getting a client from an insurance sales person is that you know the client has to pay up because they need you to write a favorable report. A nice inspection report can influence the premiums payable by the property owner. You should, however, be very careful not to write a false report since all the gain you had made with the sales man will be wasted if he or she finds out that you falsified the status of a property. Some insurance companies have been known to sue inspectors over this kind of report.

The Repair and Construction Company People

A big percentage of property inspection reports end up on the front desk of a construction and repair company. This is because many people who order property inspection reports do so for the purposes of putting together a guide for repairs and new installations. The best thing about seeking out repair and constriction people is that they also need someone like you to refer clients to them. This relationship is one that is easy to establish and maintain.

With all the above relationships, a property inspector must ensure that the reputations of the people he or she is connecting wit are above reproach. This is because the inspector’s business will inextricably be tied to the people he or she associates with. If a repair company is known to shoddy repairs, for example, the inspectors associated with it will find it impossible to separate themselves from that reputation. When done well, networking at this level can bring forth fabulous success.