Debunking Myths about Property Inspectors

Architects Discussing BlueprintThe business of property inspection is an intricate, yet fulfilling venture for all involved. The evaluation process especially seems to run smoothly when every party is on the same accord. This often means eliminating half-truths and misguided ideas about what property inspection entails. Deflating false beliefs gives clients clarity and peace of mind as they weigh their options in the buying or selling process.

Property inspectors only provide negative reports

Some sellers find the home inspection process extremely intimidating because they think inspectors are only out to criticize their property. It’s important to remember that condemnation isn’t part of these professionals’ jobs. Property inspectors are completely objective, advising clients about both the positives and the negatives of a residence.

Property inspectors are the same as real estate appraisers

Contrary to popular belief, property inspectors and real estate appraisers don’t have the same responsibilities. Property inspectors carefully evaluate the conditions of a property and provide detailed reports on any defects and other factors that might impact potential buyers’ decisions to close a deal. Real estate appraisers, on the other hand, determine how much property is worth. In some cases, appraisers even go so far as to survey nearby amenities, such as the state of schools and parks, in the area to establish the true value of a residence.

Homeowners must be home during a property inspection

Another common misconception is that homeowners are supposed to be on the premises while their house is being inspected. However, owners are usually given the choice to attend or not be present during the examination. Choosing to be away from the property is sometimes beneficial to the inspector, as some owners tend to get suspicious or defensive when they receive negative details about their home which can make it difficult for the inspector to do their job. Still, it’s usually vital for the seller to stick around, if only for the last portion of the session, because it’s a great way to become fully acquainted with their home.

Inspectors do repairs on faulty fixtures

Property inspectors give clients detailed reports that indicate problematic components in or around a home, but they’re not expected to personally provide any repairs. Keep in mind that these professionals aren’t experts in construction, although they may have general knowledge about the field and how to fix some elements.  After sellers or buyers get the information needed to move forward on closing a real estate deal, it’s up to them consult with a qualified professional who can restore defective areas of the property.  Or, they may choose to renegotiate the price based on the number of repairs needed.

New homes don’t need property inspections

It’s often assumed that newly built houses don’t have issues that could prove problematic to buyers. This is not necessarily true because even the most competent builders make mistakes. It’s important to make sure new residences are thoroughly evaluated so any small problems don’t lead to larger consequences. Plus, there’ll be no regrets during resale.