How to Efficiently Conduct a Property Inspection

5 Reasons to Switch from Paper to a Property Inspection AppNot long ago, we discussed the basics of what property management or property owners should check on their twice a year inspection. If you’re not using a property inspection app of if you are new to property inspections, you might wonder exactly what you should document for your report. This blog post will help you know what to document or what to add to your property inspection software to make sure that you provide your clients with a report that covers everything they want to know about their property.

Property inspections are done to get an assessment on the true condition of the property. If there is damage beyond normal wear and tear, this assessment can help you determine who may be responsible and help you coordinate repairs. A property inspection can be done in two different methods. Some people use a digital camera, paper, and a writing utensil. The problem with this method is that it causes extra work. That information must then be put into a computer to produce a report. The second method is utilizing a property inspection app. This app includes checklists, photo ability, video support, and a way to formulate the report without extra work. It can save the property management team a lot of time and that increases productivity.

Use Lists

Before you leave for the property inspection, make sure that you have lists to guide your inspection. These lists can be on paper or in the property inspection app. The lists will guide you for the interior and exterior inspection. Record what you see.

Take Photos

Smart phones have certainly made our lives easier. Many have excellent cameras built in. You can either use a digital camera or use a good smart phone. Take photos of any damage or change to the property. This should also be done when tenants move out. Photo documentation can really help you if you end up in court either as the plaintiff or the defendant.

Record Video

Video can also be important to document the appearance of the premises. Many video cameras date stamp the video either on the video itself or in the generated file name. This helps verify the video’s authenticity. Many smart phones also have video capability. If you use it, make sure that you have a large amount of memory to store the file or a cloud connection.

Professional and Attractive Report

Once the inspection is complete, the property management team must format the report. This is an important part of property inspection that should not be ignored or taken lightly. This report represents the professionalism and expertise of the company or person that conducted the property inspection. Make sure that the report reflects that professionalism. Make the client glad they chose the company. You can use Word or another document processing program to produce an attractive report. These programs also allow for the insertion of photos. A great property inspection app will include the ability to format the report for you.

Send the Report

If you have more than one client you will find out that sending the report may be different for each client. One client may want it by email and in PDF format. Another client may want the report printed and mailed. It’s important that you know and honor the method they need.