Social Media for Property Inspectors

Camera Technology to Assist Your Property Inspection AppAt first glance, it may not seem like the words ‘social media’ and ‘property inspection’ should go in the same sentence. However, you’d be surprised at how much the two concepts have a connection. It’s crucial for professional property inspectors to build their portfolios, as well as their clientele, in order to have a business in good standing. One of today’s most successful ways of growing an enterprise and reaching a large audience is through social media platforms. If you don’t one of the main social media accounts, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or LinkedIn, chances are you’re missing out on an opportunity to expand your network. And, missed opportunities result in major disappointment. Take charge of your career as a property inspector and utilize social media for your business needs. You’re guaranteed a favorable outcome.

Create an Account and Business Page

If you haven’t made use of social media yet, it’s the perfect time to start. Account setups are free of charge and very easy to complete. If you’re using Facebook, you can create a fan page for your company and then invite people to join so they can view updates. If you’re using Twitter, simply create an account in your business’s name and add all contact information in the specified areas. LinkedIn and Google+ are a little more geared towards targeting professionals, so it’s important to put down as much as you can about your business objectives, as well as details about your influences and areas of expertise. If you’re Feel free to begin with a single account if you’re new to the social media world, but most people find they’re successful when they have multiple accounts.

Post to Your Site Regularly

There’s no point in having social media accounts if you’re not going to check in and update them on a regular basis. Get in the habit of posting updates about your business or little quirks that will interest the public. As your Facebook fans or Twitter followers start seeing more from you, they’ll warm up to your presence and may even start commenting on your updates if there’s a strong interest to know more.

Link Your Social Media Platform to Your Website

Another way to generate more traffic is to connect your social media accounts to your website. Visitors will know you have accounts because they’ll see the icons on your site’s page and be able to go to that destination with the click of a button. Or, if they’re on your social media page, they can view your website URL under your contact information.

Delegate Multiple Account Administrators

Being a property inspector has its advantages, but it can also be stressful. You may not always find the time to log onto your social media account to check update and post as regularly as you should. It’d be helpful to have others that you trust (perhaps a business partner or subordinate) assist you with managing your accounts. Each site allows you to add more than one person to the backend of your account so that others can post as well.