3 Thing to Keep In Mind When Conducting DIY Property Inspection

bigstock-Framing-Worker-33402929For one reason or the other, a property owner can decide to carry out a property inspection by him or herself. Now, while it is always good to leave the experts in any field to do what they are qualified to, there is space for DIY inspection. After all, no one really knows a property better than its owner does. In order to carry out a DIY property inspection well, a few things have to be considered and put in place, as we shall see below.

The Inspection Tools

Property inspection refers to the equipment used for the inspection like electrical meters. If a property owner has any hope of achieving something that is acceptable as a property inspection, he or she not only has to have these tools but also know how to use them. Fortunately, the internet is awash with video and text tutorials on how to use almost any tool that may be needed in a property inspection. We recommend that a property owner have the tutorials close for easy reference when doing the inspection.

The Safety Tools

Property inspection can result in bodily harm. The risk is further compounded if the property inspector is not trained. To reduce the possibility of injury occurring, it is recommended that a DIY inspector have safety equipment on. Some of the absolutely necessary safety equipment that he or she has to have on is safety glasses, electrical gloves, a helmet, and industrial boots.

Have Another Adult Close By When Doing the Inspection

It is important that the DIY inspector have another adult with him or her when doing the inspection. This is purely for safety since it can happen that the inspector is injured and needs help. If the inspector slipped off the roof and fell unconscious, who would call in the paramedics?

The Report Generation Tools

After the inspection, the DIY inspector has to write a report. Now, unlike experienced inspectors who have written reports for a long time, the DIY inspector has to rely on a set template to write his or her property inspection report. Fortunately, many property inspection apps and software are easy to learn and use. These apps and software come with pre-set templates, which the DIY inspector can use to easily generate a report. A word of caution though: when getting property inspection software or app, the DIY inspector has to make sure that it is has been accepted by the inspection community. He or she can do this by doing a quick search in the inspectors’ forums online. This will keep him or her from buying an app that will not help generate a proper report.

These are but a few of the things, which have to be considered before embarking on a DIY property inspection. One other thing that the DIY inspector might want to keep in mind is the importance of having a work plan. This will allow him or her to go through the inspection systematically, and therefore keep the inspection thorough.