As prices and competition continue to intensify, savvy property managers are turning to technology to improve their processes, adopting innovative solutions like property inspection software, smart locks, mobile apps, and cloud-based software systems to elevate their business.
Manual based tasks within property management create unnecessary risk for you and your business. New age solutions provide a safe, robust platform for you to achieve success. In 2019 technology adoption and Prop-tech are growing at a rapid rate, which is a clear indicator of the shifting mindset of property managers around the world. To improve, make a profit, scale, and have overall success, you need to invest in a strong team, and invest in technology to work in harmony with your team.
Here are ten reasons you should supercharge your business with property inspection software:
Consistency Breeds Success
Advanced systems such as SnapInspect, a property inspection software system, allow you to create workflows that automatically complete repetitive tasks. You can set-up automatic maintenance scheduling, which is dictated by the results of an inspection. Say you completed a routine inspection and found a broken window.You can set your property inspection software up to pull information about the window from the inspection report automatically, and sent directly to the designated handyman, all done by uploading the inspection from your mobile device.
Save Time With Property Inspection Software
When you implement property inspection software into your business, you cut down inspection time by at least 75%. An inspection that used to take you one hour to complete can be done in just ten minutes thanks to mobile inspection apps. Once you have uploaded an inspection to the cloud-based server, ‘that’s it, Your inspection is complete. Software systems such as SnapInspect automatically generate your report for you. There are no formatting photos, data entry, or hours spent staring at a screen.
You will be producing clear, quality, and professional reports every time. Your clients, tenants, and various stakeholders will love you for it!

Your Location ‘Doesn’t Determine If You Can Work Or Not
Advanced property inspection solutions use cloud-based software. This means you can work from anywhere, anytime. You need an internet connection to access your information on your account. You can also conduct inspections offline with no internet connection.Cloud-based software means your information is stored online and not on just one computer. Instead of keeping files on a hard drive or storage device, cloud-based solutions enable you to save them to a remote database. All you need to access the information is a device with an internet connection (laptop, mobile phone, computer, tablet).
Cloud computing has experienced a spike in popularity for several reasons. It saves money, increases staff productivity, speed, performance, simplifies security, and overall lifts your companies level of work.
Place your entire portfolio into the palm of your hand with cloud-based property inspection software. Create unrestricted access to your business by implementing new technology. You could be on a beach in Mexico and still be checking inspections, replying to tenants, and checking up on staff members. Thanks to cloud-based technology, property managers all around the world are becoming unchained from their desks.
Outshine The Competition With Property Inspection Software
Property managers are reluctant to change, especially if they have been doing things a certain way for years. This is the reason many seasoned, well-trusted companies are failing to keep up with the new age of managing real estate. Using inefficient practices to complete inspections in 2019 can be terrible for your company. From using pen and paper to relying on clunky, boring excel spreadsheets – managers are still using the same practices that were being used 20 years ago to manage properties.Let’s think about that for a second; Say you were to go to a meeting with a client and they pulled out a phone from 20 years ago, or a laptop equal in age how would you take it? Would you trust that they are going to be able to give you the best result using a 20-year-old device? Absolutely not. You wouldn’t trust a mechanic with a broken car, so why would you trust a property manager that still uses a piece of paper and pen to inspect and manage your property.
It’s no different for inspections. If you are still using pen and paper, you set a clear message to clients and future tenants that you do not want to adapt, and you are happy staying stagnant using outdated processes.
Another example: Say you were in dispute with a tenant and property owner over who was responsible for damage that occurred during a lease agreement period. Property inspection software like SnapInspect has the option of comparing move-in inspections to move-out reports. Known as ”side-by-side reporting”. Since all reports are time and date stamped, it’s easy to compare both reports and determine who is at fault and must take care of the damages. This is a lot easier than going back and forth and ultimately having to pick sides without having any real merit to base your decisions off. Tenants and property owners will love you for this feature. You eliminate conflict instantly based off records, data, and fact.
That same situation without property inspection software? That would include a lot of digging through paper records back at the office, attempting to find an inspection from 6 months, And even if you did find the inspection you have already wasted time going back to the office and searching for it. You would then have to either scan both reports and send them to each party or, have a meeting with both parties to determine an outcome.
Put the competition behind you with property inspection software. Tenants and property owners alike will be thankful that you are using the most advanced, up to date solution the market has to offer.
Boost Staff Morale
Sure, ping-pong tables, free lunches, and early finishes all contribute to a higher level of staff morale. However, if you want to truly show your team that you value them and the work they do for your company to invest in tools that make their job easier.When you improve ‘staff’s daily operations, you will see not only increased morale but also higher levels of motivation to complete tasks. Property inspection software allows you to completely change the entire process of daily tasks completed by your staff. They will spend less time inspecting and less time at the office while being happy about it.
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