Property Inspections Suck!

shutterstock_121748410It’s not a popular thing to say, but if you’re a property management inspector with any amount of experience, I guarantee you’ve said this more than once. Don’t be ashamed! This is an honest response, because if you were doing your property inspections the “old-fashioned” way, property inspections DO suck! Now, we’re of the opinion that you can turn all of that around by using SnapInspect’s property inspection app to take your inspections from tribulation to jubilation, but that’s not a secret around here. Today’s all about honesty, though, so let’s take a few minutes to rant about the stuff we hate about property inspections first… then we’ll talk solutions.

There’s not enough time in the day.

Property inspections take time. It’s not just the fact that you have to lug an entire mobile office with you when you go – clipboard, tools, papers, pens, cameras, and that’s if you travel light – but it’s also a major time sink! A thorough inspection takes on average at least three hours, and that’s three hours of peering, crouching, crawling, measuring, writing, snapping, tinkering, squinting, and sighing. Lots and lots of painful sighing, because let’s face it… doing property inspections this way sucks.

It’s not over when it’s over – there’s a report to write.

Once you’re home from your daily inspections, you’d better be prepared for some writer’s cramp. Get out the reading specs and pour over all of your notes, because you’re going to be condensing everything you just spend three hours or better compiling into a single, attractive, comprehensive report that will both impress your clients and present them with accurate information. Carpal tunnel calls your name, and if you’re a hunt-and-peck typist, this step gets even more painful. Manually typing inspection reports sucks!

You can’t grow your business.

If you want to focus on management, or training, or hiring new inspectors, well… good luck to you. Because if you’re a successful property inspector, you already have your hands full with all of the other day-to-day tedium of doing property inspections the old-and-busted way. You’d love to take a more managerial role, if only you had other qualified inspectors to take some tasks off your plate. You’d love to hire some of those extra inspectors, if only you had an extra month or three to properly train those employees. It’s an endless cycle, and it sucks!

SnapInspect Property Inspection Software is your way out.

Property inspection software from SnapInspect lets you drop the tool belt, toss the clipboard, lose the camera, and start inspecting in a fraction of the time with automatic checklist inspections, integrated photo support from your tablet or phone’s camera, comprehensive notes, next inspection alerts, and more at your fingertips. We can’t promise you won’t have to crawl, but you’ll do it with a lot less gear. SnapInspect’s property inspection app also prepares beautiful, custom-branded reports instantly when you’re done. You can e-mail them directly from the app, which means your evenings are free for whatever you want to do. Finally, SnapInspect property inspection software is so easy you use that you can train office staff to perform inspections in a matter of days, not months. If your property inspection method sucks, let SnapInspect change the way you think about your job.

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