Using Property Inspection Software for Social Media

property management softwareProperty inspection software gives extraordinary benefits. People rave about its time saving ability and its ease of use. Did you know that there’s another benefit in using property inspection software? That’s right! You can use it in your social media campaign. Let’s look at the process.

Gathering Data

When property management companies utilize social media, they have to use the old writing adage of “show and not tell.” This is accomplished by providing your followers with a vivid description of the best aspects of the property. You can use your property inspection software to gather information about the property. Data can be loaded into Snap Inspect in a couple of different ways. You can use it on your smart phone. The Snap Inspect property inspection app allows you to take video or pictures, insert notes, utilize checklists, and produce a comprehensive and customizable report. Additionally, this information is stored using cloud technology. The other way to use Snap Inspect is from a computer. You can input information about the property directly into your Snap Inspect account.

The goal is to gather data for every vacant property that you manage. You may already have this information from your last inspection. If improvements have been made, then you want to document those to use in social media. Take full advantage of the ability to take video and photos of each property. This will come in handy very soon.

Format the Report

Snap Inspect offers the ability to perform a bulk upload of your properties. Research buzz words that make people want to visit your property with the intent of renting or buying. Buzz words are words that excite people. They make people want to buy. Include those words in your report. Customize reports for each property that you manage.Email a copy of the report to yourself for future use. Make sure that you save a copy of the report in PDF format. The report will contain links that people can use to see the videos associated with the property.

Using the Links

Twitter is a micro-blogging site that allows only so many characters per tweet. You must plan your tweet carefully and include your link. Make sure that you use relevant hashtags to promote your tweet. Relevant hash tags can include the city, state, and type of property. Be creative.

If you have a blog or a Tumblr account, you can write something short or copy something from your report into a new post. Include a link to the video for those interested. Include a call to action and offer the report to those who are interested in the property.

Final Thoughts

An app that records video and produces customized reports for property inspection can be helpful for more than just the actual inspection. It can become a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. You can try Snap Inspect free for 14 days. That’s two full weeks to test the features of the app to see if it’s right for you and your company. We provide free set up and have a 98% customer satisfaction rate.