9 Questions To Ask a Property Management Company Before Hiring Them When a company wants to hire someone new, they set up an interview, ask… November 1, 2018 Property Management
How Does Rent-To-Own Work? Typically, first time home buyers get a mortgage to finance the purchase of a… October 29, 2018 Tenants
3 Rental Property Inspections You Should be Conducting Being a property manager requires you to liaise with a diverse pool of people.… October 25, 2018 Property Inspection Software
Should I Automate My Due Diligence Inspections? In the multi-family industry, Time is one of the most valuable resources. How long… October 23, 2018 Multifamily residential
Can Landlords Stop you from Growing Marijuana? The legalization and approval of marijuana in 2018 is spreading like wildfire throughout the… October 22, 2018 All industries
Hey Google, How do I Optimize for Voice Search? Voice search has solidified itself as the next big thing in search engine optimization.… October 18, 2018 Marketing
Property Inspection Software: Are you Leading or Lagging? Gone are the days where real estate companies could rely on newspaper and radio… October 18, 2018 Property Inspection Software
10 Ways You Can Save Money Renting as a Tenant Renting a property does not come without sacrifice. In a world where rent can… October 12, 2018 Tenants
Mobile Marketing Tips to Supercharge your Vacation Rental Business According to booking.com, 80% of customers prefer to use a mobile device to book… October 11, 2018 Marketing
15 Things You Need On Your Multifamily Due Diligence Checklist If you are a seasoned property manager, you will have heard your fair share… October 3, 2018 Multifamily residential